Attaque d'OVNI !
Composants et fournitures
 | | × | 1 | |
| Module matriciel MAX7219 4 dans un écran | | × | 1 | |
| Connecteur mâle à vis écrou DB9-G1-01 Borne à 9 broches Tableau de répartition | | × | 1 | |
 | Transistor à usage général NPN | | × | 1 | |
 | Planche à pain (générique) | | × | 1 | |
| Buzzer piézo passif Adafruit | | × | 1 | |
 | Câbles de raccordement mâle/femelle | | × | 5 | |
 | Câbles de raccordement (générique) | | × | 10 | |
 | | × | 1 | |
| Joystick compatible Atari 9 broches | | × | 1 | |
À propos de ce projet
J'ai construit ce jeu à l'aide d'un Arduino UNO, un ensemble "4 en 1" de matrices MAXX7219 et de composants à partir d'un kit de démarrage Arduino.
Le code a été écrit par moi et a utilisé les bibliothèques Max72xxPanel, Adafruit GFX et SPI.
Essayez-le et faites exploser des ovnis ! :-)
Chaque niveau a un nombre cible d'OVNI à tuer avant que le boss n'apparaisse.
Le jeu nécessite un joystick 9 broches compatible Atari. Donc, si vous en avez un ancien qui traîne, vous pouvez le remettre en service. Ou vous pouvez simplement créer le vôtre. Je travaille à en faire un ordinateur de poche dans les futures versions.
Code d'attaque OVNIC/C++
/*ATTAQUE D'OVNI ! - Écrit par Anthony Clarke. *//*Certaines lignes de code spécifiques ont été extraites des exemples de programmes open source. Ceux-ci sont étiquetés dans les commentaires.*/#include #include #include const int pinCS =10 ; // Attachez CS à cette broche, DIN à MOSI et CLK à SCK (cf )const int numberOfHorizontalDisplays =4;const int numberOfVerticalDisplays =1;Max72xxPanel matrix =Max72xxPanel(pinCS, numberOfHorizontalDisplays, numberOfVerticalDisplays);// 'ship', 8x8pxconst unsigned char ship [] PROGMEM ={ 0x80, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};// 'UFO', 8x8pxconst unsigned char ={ 0x40, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} ;// 'explosion', 8x8pxconst unsigned char explosion [] PROGMEM ={ 0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};// 'Bouncer', 8x8pxconst char videur non signé [] PROGMEM ={ 0x60, 0xc0, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};// 'Boss1', 8x8pxconst char boss non signé [] PROGMEM ={ 0x18, 0x24, 0x42, 0xff, 0x24, 0xff, 0x7e, 0x3c};// 'Faller', 8x8pxconst unsigned char faller [] PROGMEM ={ 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};// ' Riser', 8x8pxconst car riser non signé [] PROGMEM ={ 0xe0, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};// 'LT', 8x8pxconst char non signé LT [] PROGMEM ={ 0x78, 0xfc, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};// 'UFO laser', 8x8pxconst char non signé ufoLas [] PROGMEM ={ 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} ; // 'BossBoom', 8x8pxconst char non signé bossBoom1 [] PROGMEM ={ 0xaa, 0x55, 0xa2, 0x51, 045,0xa, 0xa , 0x55};// 'BossBoom2', 8x8pxconst unsigned char bossBoom2 [] PROGMEM ={ 0x55, 0xaa, 0x45, 0x8a, 0x51, 0xa2, 0x55, 0xaa};//Jeu commencé variablebool gameStart =false ;// Définition du contrôle du joystick pinsint up =2;int down =3;int left =4;int right =5;int trigger =6;//Title ticker variables. - Appuyez sur fire pour démarrer ";int wait =40; // En millisecondesint spacer =1;int width =5 + spacer; // La largeur de la police est de 5 pixels//Variables de position du navire et du laserint shipx =0;int shipy =0;int lasx;int lasy;//Lives counterint lives =5;//laser existense variablebool lasExist;//UFO laser position variablesint ufoLas1x;int ufoLas1y;int ufoLas2x;int ufoLas2y;int ufoLas3x;int ufoLas4yint;int ufoLas4yint;;//UFO laser existence variablebool ufoLasExist1 =false;bool ufoLasExist2 =false;bool ufoLasExist3 =false;bool ufoLasExist4 =false;//UFO laser selection variableint selection;int lastSelection;//Boss Minion selection variableint minionSelection;//UFO position variableint selection;int lastSelection;//Boss Minion selection variableint minionSelection;//UFO position variables ufo1x;int ufo1y;int ufo2x;int ufo2y;int ufo3x;int ufo3y;//Variables de position du videurint videur1x;int videur1y;int videur2x;int videur2y;int videur3x;int videur3y;int videur4x;int videur4x;int videur4x; faller1x;int faller1y;int faller2x;int faller2y;int faller3x;int faller3y;int faller4x;i nt faller4y;//variables de vitesse de chuteint faller1Speedx;int faller1Speedy;int faller2Speedx;int faller2Speedy;int faller3Speedx;int faller3Speedy;int faller4Speedx;int faller4Speedy;int fallerxSpeedTarget =2;int fallerySpeedTarget =2;//Riser1x Variables de position;int;int riser2x;int riser2y;int riser3x;int riser3y;int riser4x;int riser4y;//Riser speed variablesint riser1Speedx;int riser1Speedy;int riser2Speedx;int riser2Speedy;int riser3Speedx;int riser3Speedy;int riser4Speedy;/int riser2Speedy;int riser3Speedx;int riser3Speedy;int riser4Speedy;/int riser4Speedy position variableint ltx;int lty;//LT health variableint ltHealth =3;//LT speed variableint ltxSpeed =0;int ltxSpeedTarget =2;//Boss position variableint bossx =34;int bossy =0;//Boss move speed variablesint bossxSpeed =0;int bossySpeed =0;int bossxSpeedTarget =3;int bossySpeedTarget =1; //Variables d'existence d'OVNIbool ufo1Exist =false;bool ufo2Exist =false;bool ufo3Exist =false;//Variables d'existence de videurbool videur1Exist =false;bool videur2Exist =false;bool videur3Exist =false;bool videur4Exist =faux;//Faller1Exist variablesbool false;bool faller2Exist =false;bool faller3Exist =false;bool faller4Exist =false;//Riser existence variablesbool riser1Exist =false;bool riser2Exist =false;bool riser3Exist =false;bool riser4Exist =false;//LT existence variablebool ltExist =false; //Boss1 Existence variablebool boss1Exist =false;//Boss health variableint bossHealth;//Bouncer top ou bottom variableint bouncerOrigin;//Bouncer gap space variableint bouncerGap =6;//Bouncer direction variablesbool bouncer1Direction;bool bouncer2Direction;bool bouncer3Direction4;bool bouncer3Direction;bool bouncer1Direction;bool bouncer2Direction;bool bouncer3Direction;bool bouncer3Direction;int videur1xVitesse;int videur2xVitesse;int videur3xVitesse;int videur4xVitesse;int videur1yVitesse;int videur2yVitesse;int videur3yVitesse;int videur4yVitesse;int ySpee d =1 ;int xSpeed =2 ; // minuterie d'apparition et variables de temps d'apparition pour les ennemis OVNI unsigned long startTime ; // configuration des variables de minuterie unsigned long currentTime ; non signé long spawnTime =3000 ; //Temporisateur d'apparition pour les ovnis//minuterie d'apparition et heure d'apparition pour les ennemis videursunsigned long startTime2;unsigned long currentTime2;unsigned long spawnTime2 =10000 ; //Temporisateur d'apparition pour les videurs//Temporisateur d'apparition pour le mini boss LTunsigned long startTime3;unsigned long currentTime3;unsigned long spawnTime3; //Temporisateur d'apparition pour LT//minuteur d'apparition pour les lasers UFOunsigned long bossStartTime;unsigned long bossCurrentTime;unsigned long bossStartTime2;unsigned long bossCurrentTime2;unsigned long bossLaserTimer =1000;unsigned long bossMinionTimer =6000;//Variable d'activation de Spawn, nécessaire pour s'arrêter temporairement spawning for boss battlebool spawnEnabled;//Variable de niveauint levelNumber =1;//Score variableint score =0;//Variables de progression de niveauint kills;int killsTarget;//Bataille de boss engagée variablebool bossBattleStarted =false;//Détection de collision de navire joueur variablebool collisionDetection =true ;//Coin flip pour la sélection UFOLaser 4int coinFlip ;//Variables sonoresint buzzerPin =9 ;//Variables sirène Bossfloat sinVal ; // Définit une variable pour enregistrer la valeur sinus int toneVal; // Définit une variable pour enregistrer la configuration void de la fréquence sonore () { //Serial.begin(9600); //Configuration de la broche sonore pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT); // Réglez la broche du buzzer sur le mode de sortie // configuration des spawntimers // configuration des modes de broche pour le fonctionnement du joystick pinMode (up, INPUT_PULLUP); // broche UP pinMode (bas, INPUT_PULLUP); //DOWN pin pinMode (gauche, INPUT_PULLUP); //Broche GAUCHE pinMode (à droite, INPUT_PULLUP); //Broche DROITE pinMode(déclencheur, INPUT_PULLUP); //Broche FEU //réglage de l'intensité de la led matrix.setIntensity(0);//Ajustez à vos propres besoins matrix.setPosition(0, 3, 0); // Le premier affichage est à <0, 0> matrix.setPosition(1, 2, 0); // Le deuxième affichage est à <1, 0> matrix.setPosition(2, 1, 0); // Le troisième affichage est à <2, 0> matrix.setPosition(3, 0, 0); // Et le dernier affichage est à <3, 0>// ... matrix.setRotation(0, 3); // Le premier affichage est la position à l'envers matrix.setRotation(1, 3); matrice.setRotation(2, 3); matrice.setRotation(3, 3); // Même prise pour le dernier affichage matrix.fillScreen(LOW);}void loop() { if (gameStart ==false) { Ticker(true); } SpawnTimer(); JoystickControl(); UfoControl(); BouncerControl(); LaserControl(); Limite d'écran(); BossBattle(); BossControl(); UFOLaserControl(); LTControl(); FallerControl(); RiserControl(); ShipCollision(); //Série.println(ufoLas1x); matrix.write();//draw the screen delay(50);//speed delay matrix.fillScreen(LOW);//clear screen, doit être fait à chaque image. }void Level(int level){ if (level ==1) { spawnEnabled =true; //Activer le frai spawnTime =3000; //Temporisateur d'apparition pour UFO'a spawnTime2 =10000000; //Le minuteur d'apparition des videurs est réglé si haut qu'ils n'apparaîtront jamais spawnTime3 =10000000; //Le minuteur d'apparition pour LT est réglé si haut qu'il n'apparaîtra jamais killsTarget =10; //Définit la cible d'élimination. Lorsque la cible est atteinte, le boss devrait apparaître bossHealth =10 ; bossLaserTimer =1000 ; } if (niveau ==2) { spawnEnabled =true; Temps d'apparition =3000 ; spawnTime2 =8000 ; spawnTime3 =10000000; tue la cible =20 ; patronSanté =15 ; bossLaserTimer =900 ; } if (niveau ==3) { spawnEnabled =true; spawnTime =2000 ; spawnTime2 =6000 ; spawnTime3 =8000 ; tue la cible =30 ; patronSanté =20 ; bossLaserTimer =800 ; } if (niveau ==4) { spawnEnabled =true; spawnTime =2000 ; spawnTime2 =5000 ; spawnTime3 =7000 ; tue la cible =40 ; patronSanté =25 ; bossLaserTimer =700 ; bossMinionTimer =6000 ; } if (niveau ==5) { spawnEnabled =true; Temps d'apparition =1800 ; spawnTime2 =4500 ; spawnTime3 =6000 ; tue la cible =50 ; patronSanté =30 ; bossLaserTimer =600 ; bossMinionTimer =5500 ; } if (niveau ==6) { spawnEnabled =true; spawnTime =2000 ; spawnTime2 =5000 ; spawnTime3 =7000 ; tue la cible =60 ; patronSanté =35 ; bossLaserTimer =500 ; bossMinionTimer =5000 ; } if (niveau ==7) { spawnEnabled =true; spawnTime =2000 ; spawnTime2 =5000 ; spawnTime3 =7000 ; tue la cible =70 ; patronSanté =40 ; bossLaserTimer =400 ; bossMinionTimer =4000 ; } if (niveau ==8) { spawnEnabled =true; spawnTime =2000 ; spawnTime2 =5000 ; spawnTime3 =7000 ; tue la cible =80 ; patronSanté =45 ; bossLaserTimer =300 ; bossMinionTimer =3000 ; } if (niveau ==9) { spawnEnabled =true; spawnTime =2000 ; spawnTime2 =5000 ; spawnTime3 =7000 ; tue la cible =90 ; bossSanté =50 ; bossLaserTimer =200 ; bossMinionTimer =2000 ; } if (niveau ==10) { spawnEnabled =true; spawnTime =2000 ; spawnTime2 =5000 ; spawnTime3 =7000 ; tue la cible =100 ; patronSanté =55 ; bossLaserTimer =100 ; bossMinionTimer =1000 ; } // Besoin d'ajouter un message de félicitations pour avoir dépassé le niveau 10} void Ticker (bool resetKills) // Code Ticker volé sans vergogne dans l'exemple Ticker. Utilisé pour le titre et le score et gameover{ while (gameStart ==false) { for ( int i =0; i =0 &&letter>=0 ) { if ( letter 29) { shipx =29; } if (shipy <0) { shipy =0; } if (shipy> 6) { shipy =6; } if (lasExist ==true) //Quand il sort de l'écran, arrêtez de le dessiner et marquez-le comme n'existant pas { if (lasx> 31) { lasExist=false; } if (lasy <0) { lasy =0; } if (lasy> 7) { lasy =7; } } //La limite de l'écran laser UFO contrôle si (ufoLas1x <-2) { ufoLasExist1 =false; } if (ufoLas2x <-2) { ufoLasExist2 =false; } if (ufoLas3x <-2) { ufoLasExist3 =false; } if (ufoLas4x <-2) { ufoLasExist4 =false; } //Contrôles de limite d'écran UFO. Régénérant automatiquement les ovnis à une coordonnée Y aléatoire sur le côté droit s'ils sortent du côté gauche if (ufo1Exist ==true &&ufo1x <-3) { ufo1x =33; //si l'OVNI sort du côté gauche, il est à nouveau déplacé du côté droit ufo1y =random(0,7); // va avoir besoin d'une sorte de code de tri pour arrêter le chevauchement des ovnis } if (ufo2Exist ==true &&ufo2x <-3) { ufo2x =33; //si l'OVNI sort du côté gauche, il est à nouveau déplacé du côté droit ufo2y =random(0,7); // va avoir besoin d'une sorte de code de tri pour arrêter le chevauchement des ovnis } if (ufo3Exist ==true &&ufo3x <-3) { ufo3x =33; //si l'OVNI sort du côté gauche, il est à nouveau déplacé du côté droit ufo3y =random(0,7); // va avoir besoin d'une sorte de code de tri pour arrêter le chevauchement des ovnis } // Contrôles de limite d'écran videur. Lorsque les videurs touchent le haut ou le bas, la variable de direction change. Lorsqu'ils sont à gauche, ils sont effacés de l'existence et réapparaissent plus tard. if (bouncer1Exist ==true &&bouncer1y> 5) { videur1Direction =false; } else if (bouncer1Exist ==true &&bouncer1y <0) { bouncer1Direction =true; } if (bouncer2Exist ==true &&bouncer2y> 5) { bouncer2Direction =false; } else if (bouncer2Exist ==true &&bouncer2y <0) { bouncer2Direction =true; } if (bouncer3Exist ==true &&bouncer3y> 5) { bouncer3Direction =false; } else if (bouncer3Exist ==true &&bouncer3y <0) { bouncer3Direction =true; } if (bouncer4Exist ==true &&bouncer4y> 5) { bouncer4Direction =false; } else if (bouncer4Exist ==true &&bouncer4y <0) { bouncer4Direction =true; } // Si les videurs partent du côté gauche, ils disparaissent comme disparus if (bouncer1x <0) { vider1Exist =false; } if (bouncer2x <0) { bouncer2Exist =false; } if (bouncer3x <0) { bouncer3Exist =false; } if (bouncer4x <0) { bouncer4Exist =false; } //Contrôle de limite d'écran LT if (ltExist ==true &<x <-6) { ltx =33; //si LT sort du côté gauche, il est à nouveau déplacé du côté droit lty =random(0,6); } // Contrôles de limite d'écran pour les colonnes montantes if (faller1Exist ==true &&faller1y> 7) { faller1Exist =false; } if (faller2Exist ==true &&faller2y> 7) { faller2Exist =false; } if (faller3Exist ==true &&faller3y> 7) { faller3Exist =false; } if (faller4Exist ==true &&faller4y> 7) { faller4Exist =false; } //Screen limit controls for Risers if (riser1Exist ==true &&riser1y <-2) { riser1Exist =false; } if (riser2Exist ==true &&riser2y <-2) { riser2Exist =false; } if (riser3Exist ==true &&riser3y <-2) { riser3Exist =false; } if (riser4Exist ==true &&riser4y <-2) { riser4Exist =false; } }void SpawnTimer(){ if (spawnEnabled ==true) { //Counting spawn timer currentTime =millis(); //get the current time in milliseconds currentTime2 =millis();//same again for second timer currentTime3 =millis();//and again if (currentTime - startTime>=spawnTime) //Uses the currentTime, startTime and spawnTime variables to spawn enemies on set times { //spawn UFO SpawnUFO(); //reset timer startTime =currentTime; //Saves the start time of the spawn so the if statement works } if (currentTime2 - startTime2>=spawnTime2) { //spawn bouncer squad SpawnBouncer(); //reset timer startTime2 =currentTime2; //Saves the start time of the spawn so the if statement works } if (currentTime3 - startTime3>=spawnTime3) { //spawn LT SpawnLT(); //reset timer startTime3 =currentTime3; //Saves the start time of the spawn so the if statement works } } }void SpawnUFO(){ if (ufo1Exist ==false) { ufo1x =32; //Spawn off the right side of the screen ufo1y =random(0,7); //Spawn at a random Y coord ufo1Exist =true; } else if (ufo2Exist ==false) { ufo2x =32; //Spawn off the right side of the screen ufo2y =random(0,7); //Spawn at a random Y coord ufo2Exist =true; } else if (ufo3Exist ==false) { ufo3x =32; //Spawn off the right side of the screen ufo3y =random(0,7); //Spawn at a random Y coord ufo3Exist =true; } }void UfoControl(){ //If the UFO exists then draw its bitmap if (ufo1Exist ==true) { ufo1x--; matrix.drawBitmap(ufo1x,ufo1y,ufo,3,2,1); } if (ufo2Exist ==true) { ufo2x--; matrix.drawBitmap(ufo2x,ufo2y,ufo,3,2,1); } if (ufo3Exist ==true) { ufo3x--; matrix.drawBitmap(ufo3x,ufo3y,ufo,3,2,1); }}void SpawnBouncer(){ if (bouncer1Exist ==false &&bouncer2Exist ==false &&bouncer3Exist ==false &&bouncer4Exist ==false) { bouncer1x =32; //Spawn off the right side of the screen bouncer2x =bouncer1x+bouncerGap;//spawn other bouncers spaced out on the x axis bouncer3x =bouncer2x+bouncerGap; bouncer4x =bouncer3x+bouncerGap; bouncerOrigin =random(0,2); if (bouncerOrigin =0) { bouncer1y =0; //Spawn at top of screen bouncer2y =1; bouncer3y =2; bouncer4y =3; } if (bouncerOrigin =1) { bouncer1y =7; //Spawn at bottom bouncer2y =6; bouncer3y =5; bouncer4y =4; } bouncer1Exist =true; bouncer2Exist =true; bouncer3Exist =true; bouncer4Exist =true; }}void BouncerControl(){ //Bouncer move across to the left and up or down depending opn direction variable. That variable is changed in ScreenLimit() if (bouncer1Exist ==true) //If bouncer exists then increment bouncer x and y counters. These are used to slow the movement. { bouncer1xSpeed++; bouncer1ySpeed++; if (bouncer1xSpeed> xSpeed) //When the counter goes above the speed value then IF statement executes { bouncer1x--; bouncer1xSpeed =0; } if (bouncer1Direction ==true) { if (bouncer1ySpeed> ySpeed) { bouncer1y++; bouncer1ySpeed =0; } } else if (bouncer1Direction ==false) { if (bouncer1ySpeed> ySpeed) { bouncer1y--; bouncer1ySpeed =0; } } matrix.drawBitmap(bouncer1x,bouncer1y,bouncer,2,3,1); } if (bouncer2Exist ==true) { bouncer2xSpeed++; bouncer2ySpeed++; if (bouncer2xSpeed> xSpeed) { bouncer2x--; bouncer2xSpeed =0; } if (bouncer2Direction ==true) { if (bouncer2ySpeed> ySpeed) { bouncer2y++; bouncer2ySpeed =0; } } else if (bouncer2Direction ==false) { if (bouncer2ySpeed> 2) { bouncer2y--; bouncer2ySpeed =0; } } matrix.drawBitmap(bouncer2x,bouncer2y,bouncer,2,3,1); } if (bouncer3Exist ==true) { bouncer3xSpeed++; bouncer3ySpeed++; if (bouncer3xSpeed> xSpeed) { bouncer3x--; bouncer3xSpeed =0; } if (bouncer3Direction ==true) { if (bouncer3ySpeed> ySpeed) { bouncer3y++; bouncer3ySpeed =0; } } else if (bouncer3Direction ==false) { if (bouncer3ySpeed> 2) { bouncer3y--; bouncer3ySpeed =0; } } matrix.drawBitmap(bouncer3x,bouncer3y,bouncer,2,3,1); } if (bouncer4Exist ==true) { bouncer4xSpeed++; bouncer4ySpeed++; if (bouncer4xSpeed> xSpeed) { bouncer4x--; bouncer4xSpeed =0; } if (bouncer4Direction ==true) { if (bouncer4ySpeed> 2) { bouncer4y++; bouncer4ySpeed =0; } } else if (bouncer4Direction ==false) { if (bouncer4ySpeed> ySpeed) { bouncer4y--; bouncer4ySpeed =0; } } matrix.drawBitmap(bouncer4x,bouncer4y,bouncer,2,3,1); }}void SpawnFaller(){ if (faller1Exist ==false &&faller2Exist ==false &&faller3Exist ==false &&faller4Exist ==false) { faller1x =15; //Spawn above the boss off the top of the screen faller2x =faller1x+bouncerGap;//spawn other bouncers spaced out on the x axis faller3x =faller2x+bouncerGap; faller4x =faller3x+bouncerGap; faller1y =-1; //Spawn at top of screen faller2y =-2; faller3y =-3; faller4y =-4; faller1Exist =true; faller2Exist =true; faller3Exist =true; faller4Exist =true; }}void FallerControl(){ //Fallers are spawned by the Boss during battle after level 4. Timer for spawning is in the BossControl function. //Control routines for faller 1 if (faller1Exist ==true) //If faller exists then increment fallerSpeed x and y counters. These are used to slow the movement. { faller1Speedx++; faller1Speedy++; if (faller1Speedx> fallerxSpeedTarget) //When the counter goes above the speed value then IF statement executes { faller1x--; faller1Speedx =0; } if (faller1Speedy> fallerySpeedTarget) { faller1y++; faller1Speedy =0; } matrix.drawBitmap(faller1x,faller1y,faller,3,3,1); }// Control routines for faller 2 if (faller2Exist ==true) //If faller exists then increment fallerSpeed x and y counters. These are used to slow the movement. { faller2Speedx++; faller2Speedy++; if (faller2Speedx> fallerxSpeedTarget) //When the counter goes above the speed value then IF statement executes { faller2x--; faller2Speedx =0; } if (faller2Speedy> fallerySpeedTarget) { faller2y++; faller2Speedy =0; } matrix.drawBitmap(faller2x,faller2y,faller,3,3,1); } // Control routines for faller 3 if (faller3Exist ==true) //If faller exists then increment fallerSpeed x and y counters. These are used to slow the movement. { faller3Speedx++; faller3Speedy++; if (faller3Speedx> fallerxSpeedTarget) //When the counter goes above the speed value then IF statement executes { faller3x--; faller3Speedx =0; } if (faller3Speedy> fallerySpeedTarget) { faller3y++; faller3Speedy =0; } matrix.drawBitmap(faller3x,faller3y,faller,3,3,1); } // Control routines for faller 4 if (faller4Exist ==true) //If faller exists then increment fallerSpeed x and y counters. These are used to slow the movement. { faller4Speedx++; faller4Speedy++; if (faller4Speedx> fallerxSpeedTarget) //When the counter goes above the speed value then IF statement executes { faller4x--; faller4Speedx =0; } if (faller4Speedy> fallerySpeedTarget) { faller4y++; faller4Speedy =0; } matrix.drawBitmap(faller4x,faller4y,faller,3,3,1); } }void SpawnRiser(){ if (riser1Exist ==false &&riser2Exist ==false &&riser3Exist ==false &&riser4Exist ==false) { riser1x =15; //Spawn above the boss off the top of the screen riser2x =riser1x+bouncerGap;//spawn other bouncers spaced out on the x axis riser3x =riser2x+bouncerGap; riser4x =riser3x+bouncerGap; riser1y =7; //Spawn at Bottom of screen riser2y =8; riser3y =9; riser4y =10; riser1Exist =true; riser2Exist =true; riser3Exist =true; riser4Exist =true; }}void RiserControl(){ //Risers are spawned by the Boss during battle after level 5. Timer for spawning is in the BossControl function. //Control routines for riser 1 if (riser1Exist ==true) //If riser exists then increment riserSpeed x and y counters. These are used to slow the movement. { riser1Speedx++; riser1Speedy++; if (riser1Speedx> fallerxSpeedTarget) //When the counter goes above the speed value then IF statement executes { riser1x--; riser1Speedx =0; } if (riser1Speedy> fallerySpeedTarget) { riser1y--; riser1Speedy =0; } matrix.drawBitmap(riser1x,riser1y,riser,3,3,1); } //Control routines for riser 2 if (riser2Exist ==true) //If riser exists then increment riserSpeed x and y counters. These are used to slow the movement. { riser2Speedx++; riser2Speedy++; if (riser2Speedx> fallerxSpeedTarget) //When the counter goes above the speed value then IF statement executes { riser2x--; riser2Speedx =0; } if (riser2Speedy> fallerySpeedTarget) { riser2y--; riser2Speedy =0; } matrix.drawBitmap(riser2x,riser2y,riser,3,3,1); } //Control routines for riser 3 if (riser3Exist ==true) //If riser exists then increment riserSpeed x and y counters. These are used to slow the movement. { riser3Speedx++; riser3Speedy++; if (riser3Speedx> fallerxSpeedTarget) //When the counter goes above the speed value then IF statement executes { riser3x--; riser3Speedx =0; } if (riser3Speedy> fallerySpeedTarget) { riser3y--; riser3Speedy =0; } matrix.drawBitmap(riser3x,riser3y,riser,3,3,1); } //Control routines for riser 4 if (riser4Exist ==true) //If riser exists then increment riserSpeed x and y counters. These are used to slow the movement. { riser4Speedx++; riser4Speedy++; if (riser4Speedx> fallerxSpeedTarget) //When the counter goes above the speed value then IF statement executes { riser4x--; riser4Speedx =0; } if (riser4Speedy> fallerySpeedTarget) { riser4y--; riser4Speedy =0; } matrix.drawBitmap(riser4x,riser4y,riser,3,3,1); }}void SpawnLT(){ if (ltExist ==false) { ltx =32; //Spawn off the right side of the screen lty =random(0,6); //Spawn at a random Y coord ltExist =true; }}void LTControl(){ //If the UFO exists then draw its bitmap if (ltExist ==true) { ltxSpeed++; if (ltxSpeed ==ltxSpeedTarget) { ltxSpeed =0; ltx--; } matrix.drawBitmap(ltx, lty, LT, 6, 3, 1); } if (ltHealth <=0) { ltExist =false; Boom(ltx,lty,false,3); //Calls Boom() function to add score. Kills are added manually below. kills=kills+3; ltHealth =3; }}void BossBattle()//Sounds the warning siren then spawns boss. Still need to finish movement{ if (kills> killsTarget &&bossBattleStarted ==false) { bossBattleStarted =true; spawnEnabled =false; //Turns off spawning for other UFO types for(int i =5; i> 0; i--) //Play alarm sound { for (int x =0; x <360; x++) // X from 0 degree->360 degree { sinVal =sin(x * (PI / 180)); // Calculate the sine of x toneVal =2000 + sinVal * 500; // Calculate sound frequency according to the sine of x tone(buzzerPin, toneVal); // Output sound frequency to buzzerPin delay(1); } } tone(buzzerPin, 0, 5); //This is to stop the tone sound. It sticks around otherwise. if (boss1Exist ==false) { matrix.drawBitmap(bossx, bossy, boss, 8 ,8 ,1); boss1Exist =true; bossStartTime =millis(); //Set start timer for boss weapons bossStartTime =millis(); //Set start timer for boss minions } }}void BossControl(){ if (boss1Exist ==true) { bossxSpeed++; if (bossxSpeed> bossxSpeedTarget &&bossx> 24) //When the counter goes above the speed value then IF statement executes { bossx--; //Move the boss x cords to the left bossxSpeed =0; } matrix.drawBitmap(bossx, bossy, boss, 8, 8, 1); //Draw the boss bitmap at the new coords if (bossx ==24) { //Counting shoot timer bossCurrentTime =millis(); //get the current time in milliseconds bossCurrentTime2 =millis(); if (bossCurrentTime - bossStartTime>=bossLaserTimer) //startTimer is set in BossBattle function { //shoot laser selection =random(1,5);//Select laser cannon at random while (selection ==lastSelection)//While loop to ensure that the same laser isnt fired twice in a row too quick. Prevents timing gaps { selection =random(1,5); } UFOLaserShoot(selection);//Call UFOLaserShoot function with cannon selection //reset timer bossStartTime =bossCurrentTime; //Saves the start time of the spawn so the if statement works } if (levelNumber>=4) { if (bossCurrentTime2 - bossStartTime2>=bossMinionTimer) //startTimer is set in BossBattle function { //Select minions and spawn them minionSelection =random(1,3); if (minionSelection ==1) { SpawnFaller(); } if (minionSelection ==2) { SpawnRiser(); } //reset timer bossStartTime2 =bossCurrentTime2; //Saves the start time of the spawn so the if statement works } } } //Boss health counter hits zero, trigger boss death and new level if (bossHealth <=0) { boss1Exist =false; //Boss no longer exists Boom(bossx,bossy,false,5);//Calls Boom() function to add score matrix.fillScreen(LOW); //Clear screen for (int i =5; i> 0; i--) { matrix.drawBitmap(bossx, bossy, bossBoom1 ,8 ,8, 1); //Boss explosion first frame tone(buzzerPin, 100,100); //Play sound delay(200); //Wait //matrix.fillScreen(LOW); //Clear screen matrix.drawBitmap(bossx, bossy, bossBoom2 ,8 ,8, 1); //Boss explosion second frame tone(buzzerPin, 200,100); //Play second sound delay(200); //Wait } tone(buzzerPin, 1, 1);//Stop beep bossx=39; //Move bossx back to 32 matrix.fillScreen(LOW); //clear the screen gameStart =false; //Mark game as stopped levelNumber++; //increment level if (levelNumber> 10) { GameOver(1); retourner; } tape ="Level "; //Prepare new tape for ticker function tape +=levelNumber; //Adding level number to ticker string tape +=" Score:"; tape +=score; ufoLasExist1 =false; ufoLasExist2 =false; ufoLasExist3 =false; ufoLasExist4 =false; faller1Exist =false; faller2Exist =false; faller3Exist =false; faller4Exist =false; riser1Exist =false; riser2Exist =false; riser3Exist =false; riser4Exist =false; ufoLas1x=bossx; ufoLas2x=bossx; ufoLas3x=bossx; ufoLas4x=bossx; Ticker(true); //Call ticker function to show score and new level } }}void UFOLaserShoot(int selection){ if (selection ==1) { if (ufoLasExist1 ==false)//Check to see if the UFO laser already exists { ufoLas1x=bossx+1; //spawn laser in the middle ufoLas1y=bossy+4; ufoLasExist1=true; tone(buzzerPin, 200,100);//play laser sound } } if (selection ==2) { if (ufoLasExist2 ==false) { ufoLas2x=bossx+2; //spawn laser at the top side ufoLas2y=bossy+1; ufoLasExist2=true; tone(buzzerPin, 300,100);//play laser sound } } if (selection ==3) { if (ufoLasExist3 ==false) { ufoLas3x=bossx+2; //spawn laser at the bottom side ufoLas3y=bossy+7; ufoLasExist3=true; tone(buzzerPin, 400,100);//play laser sound } } if (selection ==4) { if (ufoLasExist4 ==false)//Planning to make this one random { coinFlip =random(0,2); if (coinFlip ==0) { ufoLas4x=bossx+2; ufoLas4y=bossy+2; ufoLasExist4=true; tone(buzzerPin, 500,100);//play laser sound } if (coinFlip ==1) { ufoLas4x=bossx+2; ufoLas4y=bossy+6; ufoLasExist4=true; tone(buzzerPin, 500,100);//play laser sound } } } }void UFOLaserControl(){ if (ufoLasExist1 ==true) { ufoLas1x--; matrix.drawBitmap(ufoLas1x, ufoLas1y, ufoLaser, 2, 1, 1); } if (ufoLasExist2 ==true) { ufoLas2x--; matrix.drawBitmap(ufoLas2x, ufoLas2y, ufoLaser, 2, 1, 1); } if (ufoLasExist3 ==true) { ufoLas3x--; matrix.drawBitmap(ufoLas3x, ufoLas3y, ufoLaser, 2, 1, 1); } if (ufoLasExist4 ==true) { ufoLas4x--; matrix.drawBitmap(ufoLas4x, ufoLas4y, ufoLaser, 2, 1, 1); } }void ShipCollision(){ if (gameStart ==true &&collisionDetection ==true) { //Collision detection for line 0 of ship //Collision detection for UFO1. Dont need line 0 of UFO because line 0 of ship cannot touch it anyway. if (ufo1Exist ==true) { for (int a =0; a <2; a++) { if (shipx ==ufo1x+a &&shipy ==ufo1y+1) ///Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for line 1 of ship.................. //Contains extra for loop to loop through all the ship line 1 pixels //Collision detection for UFO1 for (int b =0; b <1; b++) //Had b <2 and the collision detection worked but looked wonky when moving towards ufos { for (int a =0; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==ufo1x+a &&shipy+1 ==ufo1y+1) //Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =1; a <3; a++) { if (shipx+b ==ufo1x+a &&shipy+1 ==ufo1y) //Line 0 { ShipHit(); } } } } //Collision detection for line 0 of ship //collision detection for UFO2 if (ufo2Exist ==true) { for (int a =0; a <2; a++) { if (shipx ==ufo2x+a &&shipy ==ufo2y+1) ///Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for line 1 of ship //Collision detection for UFO2 for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==ufo2x+a &&shipy+1 ==ufo2y+1) //Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =1; a <3; a++) { if (shipx+b ==ufo2x+a &&shipy+1 ==ufo2y) //Line 0 { ShipHit(); } } } } //Collision detection for line 0 of ship //Collision detection for UFO3 if (ufo3Exist ==true) { for (int a =0; a <2; a++) { if (shipx ==ufo3x+a &&shipy ==ufo3y+1) ///Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } //Contains extra for loop to loop through all the ship line 1 pixels //Collision detection for UFO3 for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==ufo3x+a &&shipy+1 ==ufo3y+1) //Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =1; a <3; a++) { if (shipx+b ==ufo3x+a &&shipy+1 ==ufo3y) //Line 0 { ShipHit(); } } } } //Collision detection for line 0 of ship //Collision detection for Bouncer1. Don't need line 0 and 1 becuase line 0 and 1 of bouncers and line 0 of ship never meet if (bouncer1Exist ==true) { for (int a =1; a <2; a++) { if (shipx ==bouncer1x+a &&shipy ==bouncer1y+2) //Line 2 { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for Bouncer1 and Line 1 of ship for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =1; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==bouncer1x+a &&shipy+1 ==bouncer1y) //Line 0 { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==bouncer1x+a &&shipy+1 ==bouncer1y+1) //Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =1; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==bouncer1x+a &&shipy+1 ==bouncer1y+2) //Line 2 { ShipHit(); } } } } //Collision detection for line 0 of ship //Collision detection for Bouncer2. Don't need line 0 and 1 because line 0 and 1 of bouncers and line 0 of ship never meet if (bouncer2Exist ==true) { for (int a =1; a <2; a++) { if (shipx ==bouncer2x+a &&shipy ==bouncer2y+2) //Line 2 { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for Bouncer2 and Line 1 of ship for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =1; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==bouncer2x+a &&shipy+1 ==bouncer2y) //Line 0 { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==bouncer2x+a &&shipy+1 ==bouncer2y+1) //Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =1; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==bouncer2x+a &&shipy+1 ==bouncer2y+2) //Line 2 { ShipHit(); } } } } //Collision detection for line 0 of ship //Collision detection for Bouncer3. Don't need line 0 and 1 becuase line 0 and 1 of bouncers and line 0 of ship never meet if (bouncer3Exist ==true) { for (int a =1; a <2; a++) { if (shipx ==bouncer3x+a &&shipy ==bouncer3y+2) //Line 2 { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for Bouncer3 and Line 1 of ship for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =1; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==bouncer3x+a &&shipy+1 ==bouncer3y) //Line 0 { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==bouncer3x+a &&shipy+1 ==bouncer3y+1) //Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =1; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==bouncer3x+a &&shipy+1 ==bouncer3y+2) //Line 2 { ShipHit(); } } } } //Collision detection for line 0 of ship //Collision detection for Bouncer4. Don't need line 0 and 1 becuase line 0 and 1 of bouncers and line 0 of ship never meet if (bouncer4Exist ==true) { for (int a =1; a <2; a++) { if (shipx ==bouncer4x+a &&shipy ==bouncer4y+2) //Line 2 { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for Bouncer4 and Line 1 of ship for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =1; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==bouncer4x+a &&shipy+1 ==bouncer4y) //Line 0 { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==bouncer4x+a &&shipy+1 ==bouncer4y+1) //Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =1; a <2; a++) { if (shipx+b ==bouncer4x+a &&shipy+1 ==bouncer4y+2) //Line 2 { ShipHit(); } } } } //Dont need collision detection for lines 0 and 1 of LT and line 0 of ship because they cant touch anyway//Collision detection routines for LT if (ltExist ==true) { for (int a =2; a <4; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx ==ltx+a &&shipy ==lty+2) { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection routines for LT and Ship line 1 for (int b =0; b <2; b++) { for (int a =1; a <4; a++) //Top line 0 { if (shipx+b ==ltx+a &&shipy+1 ==lty) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <5; a++) //Line 1 { if (shipx+b ==ltx+a &&shipy+1 ==lty+1) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =2; a <4; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx+b ==ltx+a &&shipy+1 ==lty+2) { ShipHit(); } } } } //Dont need collision detection between line 0 of ship and line 0 and 1 of fallers because they will never touch//Collision detection for Faller 1 if (faller1Exist ==true) { for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx ==faller1x+a &&shipy ==faller1y+2) //Checks to see if laser coords match bouncer bitmap coords, including the pixels just behind them. { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for Faller 1 and ship line 1 for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <2; a++) //Top Line 0 { if (shipx+b ==faller1x+a &&shipy+1 ==faller1y) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Line 1 { if (shipx+b ==faller1x+a &&shipy+1 ==faller1y+1) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx+b ==faller1x+a &&shipy+1 ==faller1y+2) { ShipHit(); } } } } //Dont need collision detection between line 0 of ship and line 0 and 1 of fallers because they will never touch //Collision detection for Faller 2 if (faller2Exist ==true) { for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx ==faller2x+a &&shipy ==faller2y+2) //Checks to see if laser coords match bouncer bitmap coords, including the pixels just behind them. { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for Faller 2 and ship line 1 for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <2; a++) //Top Line 0 { if (shipx+b ==faller2x+a &&shipy+1 ==faller2y) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Line 1 { if (shipx+b ==faller2x+a &&shipy+1 ==faller2y+1) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx+b ==faller2x+a &&shipy+1 ==faller2y+2) { ShipHit(); } } } } //Dont need collision detection between line 0 of ship and line 0 and 1 of fallers because they will never touch //Collision detection for Faller 3 if (faller3Exist ==true) { for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx ==faller3x+a &&shipy ==faller3y+2) //Checks to see if laser coords match bouncer bitmap coords, including the pixels just behind them. { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for Faller 3 and ship line 1 for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <2; a++) //Top Line 0 { if (shipx+b ==faller3x+a &&shipy+1 ==faller3y) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Line 1 { if (shipx+b ==faller3x+a &&shipy+1 ==faller3y+1) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx+b ==faller3x+a &&shipy+1 ==faller3y+2) { ShipHit(); } } } } //Dont need collision detection between line 0 of ship and line 0 and 1 of fallers because they will never touch //Collision detection for Faller 4 if (faller4Exist ==true) { for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx ==faller4x+a &&shipy ==faller4y+2) //Checks to see if laser coords match bouncer bitmap coords, including the pixels just behind them. { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for Faller 4 and ship line 1 for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <2; a++) //Top Line 0 { if (shipx+b ==faller4x+a &&shipy+1 ==faller4y) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Line 1 { if (shipx+b ==faller4x+a &&shipy+1 ==faller4y+1) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx+b ==faller4x+a &&shipy+1 ==faller4y+2) { ShipHit(); } } } } //Dont need collision detection between line 0 of ship and lines 0 and 1 of risers because they'll never touch //Collision detection for Riser 1 if (riser1Exist ==true) { for (int a =0; a <1; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx ==riser1x+a &&shipy ==riser1y+2) //Checks to see if laser coords match bouncer bitmap coords, including the pixels just behind them. { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for Riser 1 and Ship line 1 for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Top Line 0 { if (shipx+b ==riser1x+a &&shipy+1 ==riser1y) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <2; a++) //Line 1 { if (shipx+b ==riser1x+0 &&shipy+1 ==riser1y+1) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <1; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx+b ==riser1x+a &&shipy+1 ==riser1y+2) { ShipHit(); } } } } //Dont need collision detection between line 0 of ship and lines 0 and 1 of risers because they'll never touch //Collision detection for Riser 2 if (riser2Exist ==true) { for (int a =0; a <1; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx ==riser2x+a &&shipy ==riser2y+2) //Checks to see if laser coords match bouncer bitmap coords, including the pixels just behind them. { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for Riser 2 and Ship line 1 for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Top Line 0 { if (shipx+b ==riser2x+a &&shipy+1 ==riser2y) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <2; a++) //Line 1 { if (shipx+b ==riser2x+0 &&shipy+1 ==riser2y+1) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <1; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx+b ==riser2x+a &&shipy+1 ==riser2y+2) { ShipHit(); } } } } //Dont need collision detection between line 0 of ship and lines 0 and 1 of risers because they'll never touch //Collision detection for Riser 3 if (riser3Exist ==true) { for (int a =0; a <1; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx ==riser3x+a &&shipy ==riser3y+2) //Checks to see if laser coords match bouncer bitmap coords, including the pixels just behind them. { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for Riser 3 and Ship line 1 for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Top Line 0 { if (shipx+b ==riser3x+a &&shipy+1 ==riser3y) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <2; a++) //Line 1 { if (shipx+b ==riser3x+0 &&shipy+1 ==riser3y+1) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <1; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx+b ==riser3x+a &&shipy+1 ==riser3y+2) { ShipHit(); } } } } //Dont need collision detection between line 0 of ship and lines 0 and 1 of risers because they'll never touch //Collision detection for Riser 4 if (riser4Exist ==true) { for (int a =0; a <1; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx ==riser4x+a &&shipy ==riser4y+2) //Checks to see if laser coords match bouncer bitmap coords, including the pixels just behind them. { ShipHit(); } } //Collision detection for Riser 4 and Ship line 1 for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <3; a++) //Top Line 0 { if (shipx+b ==riser4x+a &&shipy+1 ==riser4y) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <2; a++) //Line 1 { if (shipx+b ==riser4x+0 &&shipy+1 ==riser4y+1) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <1; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx+b ==riser4x+a &&shipy+1 ==riser4y+2) { ShipHit(); } } } } //No collision detection for line 0 of ship and boss because they'll never touch anyway. //Collision detection for Boss abd Ship line 1 if (boss1Exist ==true) { for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =3; a <5; a++ ) //Top line 0 { if (shipx+b ==bossx+a &&shipy+1 ==bossy) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =2; a <5; a++) //Line 1 { if (shipx+b ==bossx+a &&shipy+1 ==bossy+1) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =1; a <6; a++) //Line 2 { if (shipx+b ==bossx+a &&shipy+1 ==bossy+2) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <7; a++) //Line 3 { if (shipx+b ==bossx+a &&shipy+1 ==bossy+3) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =2; a <6; a++) //Line 4 { if (shipx+b ==bossx+a &&shipy+1 ==bossy+4) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =0; a <7; a++) //Line 5 { if (shipx+b ==bossx+a &&shipy+1 ==bossy+5) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =1; a <6; a++) //Line 6 { if (shipx+b ==bossx+a &&shipy+1 ==bossy+6) { ShipHit(); } } for (int a =2; a <5; a++) //Line 7 { if (shipx+b ==bossx+a &&shipy+1 ==bossy+7) { ShipHit(); } } } } //Collision detection for UFO Lasers. They only have line 0 if (ufoLasExist1 ==true) { for (int a =0; a <1; a++) { if (shipx ==ufoLas1x+a &&shipy ==ufoLas1y) ///Line 0 { ShipHit(); } } for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <1; a++) { if (shipx+b ==ufoLas1x+a &&shipy+1 ==ufoLas1y) ///Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } } } //Collision detection for UFO Lasers. They only have line 0 if (ufoLasExist2 ==true) { for (int a =0; a <1; a++) { if (shipx ==ufoLas2x+a &&shipy ==ufoLas2y) ///Line 0 { ShipHit(); } } for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <1; a++) { if (shipx+b ==ufoLas2x+a &&shipy+1 ==ufoLas2y) ///Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } } } //Collision detection for UFO Lasers. They only have line 0 if (ufoLasExist3 ==true) { for (int a =0; a <1; a++) { if (shipx ==ufoLas3x+a &&shipy ==ufoLas3y) ///Line 0 { ShipHit(); } } for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <1; a++) { if (shipx+b ==ufoLas3x+a &&shipy+1 ==ufoLas3y) ///Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } } } //Collision detection for UFO Lasers. They only have line 0 if (ufoLasExist4 ==true) { for (int a =0; a <1; a++) { if (shipx ==ufoLas4x+a &&shipy ==ufoLas4y) ///Line 0 { ShipHit(); } } for (int b =0; b <1; b++) { for (int a =0; a <1; a++) { if (shipx+b ==ufoLas4x+a &&shipy+1 ==ufoLas4y) ///Line 1 { ShipHit(); } } } } }}void GameOver(int gameStatus){ spawnEnabled =false; if (gameStatus ==0) //Game over due to death { tape ="Game Over :( Your score was "; tape +=score; // Ticker(true); tape ="UFO ATTACK! - Press fire to start "; lives =5; score =0; levelNumber =1; } else if (gameStatus ==1)//Game over due to winning level 10 { tape ="Congratulations! You defeated the alien invasion :) Your total score was "; tape +=score; //Ticker(true); lives =5; score =0; levelNumber =1; } else if (gameStatus ==2)//Life lost { tape ="Ship destroyed! "; tape +="Lives left:"; tape +=lives; } ufo1Exist =false; ufo2Exist =false; ufo3Exist =false; bouncer1Exist =false; bouncer2Exist =false; bouncer3Exist =false; bouncer4Exist =false; faller1Exist =false; faller2Exist =false; faller3Exist =false; faller4Exist =false; riser1Exist =false; riser2Exist =false; riser3Exist =false; riser4Exist =false; ltExist =false; boss1Exist =false; gameStart =false; ufoLasExist1 =false; ufoLasExist2 =false; ufoLasExist3 =false; ufoLasExist4 =false; ufoLas1x =34; ufoLas1y =34; ufoLas2x =34; ufoLas2y =34; ufoLas3x =34; ufoLas3y =34; ufoLas4x =34; ufoLas4y =34; ufo1x =34; ufo2x =34; ufo3x =34; bouncer1x =34; bouncer2x =34; bouncer3x =34; bouncer4x =34; faller1x =34; faller2x =34; faller3x =34; faller4x =34; riser1x =34; riser2x =34; riser3x =34; riser4x =34; ltx =34; bossx =34; shipx =0; shipy =3; lasExist =false; if (gameStatus ==2){ Ticker(false);}else if (gameStatus ==0 || gameStatus ==1){ Ticker(true);}}void ShipHit(){ lives--; for (int i =5000; i> 1; i =i-5) { tone(buzzerPin, i, 1); delay(1); } if (lives> 0) { GameOver(2); } else if (lives <=0) { GameOver(0); }} Schémas
Wiring Schematic for UFO Attack game.