Liste des alarmes Sinumerik 840D – Guide de diagnostic Siemens
Liste d'alarmes Siemens Sinumerik 840D (840D/840Di/810D et commandes similaires), pour les machinistes cnc et le personnel de maintenance qui travaillent sur des machines cnc avec des commandes cnc Sinumerik.
Alarmes Siemens Sinumerik
Liste des alarmes Sinumerik 840D
- 1000 Erreur système %1
- 1001 Erreur système %1
- 1002 Erreur système %1
- 1003 Le pointeur d'alarme pour cette alarme à effacement automatique %1 est zéro
- 1004 Réaction d'alarme à l'alarme NCK mal configurée
- 1005 Erreur du système d'exploitation %1 paramètre %2 %3 %4
- 1010 Canal %1 erreur système %2 action %3
- 1011 Canal %1 %3 %4 erreur système %2
- 1012 Canal %1 erreur système %2 %3 %4
- 1013 Canal %1 erreur système %2
- 1014 Canal %1 erreur système %2
- 1015 Canal %1 axe %2 erreur système %3
- 1016 Canal %1 axe %2 erreur système %3
- 1017 Canal %1 axe %2 erreur système %3
- 1018 Erreur arithmétique en virgule flottante dans le canal %1, tâche %2, station %3, état FPU %4 %4
- 1019 Erreur arithmétique en virgule flottante à l'adresse %3 dans le canal %1 tâche %2 état FPU %4
- 1030 Erreur système dans le code d'erreur du module de liaison %1 type d'erreur %2
- 1031 Le module de liaison a généré une erreur non spécifiée %1 NCU %2 %3 %4
- 1100 Aucun micrologiciel valide
- 1160 L'assertion a échoué dans %1 :%2
- Surveillance du signe de vie de 2 000 API
- 2001 PLC n'a pas démarré
- Seuil d'avertissement de batterie NCK 2 100 atteint
- Alarme batterie 2101 NCK
- Alarme batterie 2102 NCK
- 2110 Alarme de température NCK
- 2120 Alarme ventilateur NCK
- Encodeur 2130 5V/24V ou convertisseur N/A 15V sous tension
- 2140 La position actuelle du commutateur de service force l'effacement d'une SRAM à la prochaine mise sous tension (réinitialisation générale active)
- 2190 Module plug-in matériel pour la communication avec le numériseur manquant
- 2192 Aucun module de liaison NCU n'existe, MD %1 réinitialisé
- 2193 "Safety Integrated" n'est pas disponible pour l'axe de liaison %1.
- 2195 Canal %1 axe %2 poinçonnage/grignotage à grande vitesse impossible via le lien
- 2196 Axe de liaison actif et $MN_MM_SERVO_FIFO_SIZE !=%1
- 2900 Le redémarrage est retardé
- 3000 Arrêt d'urgence
- 3001 Arrêt d'urgence interne
- 4000 Canal %1 paramètre machine %2[%3] a un écart dans l'affectation des axes
- 4001 Canal %1 axe %2 défini pour plusieurs canaux via le paramètre machine %3
- 4002 Canal %1 paramètre machine %2[%3] affecte un axe non défini dans le canal
- 4003 Axe %1 affectation incorrecte du canal maître dans le paramètre machine %2
- 4004 Canal %1 paramètre machine %2 axe %3 défini de manière répétée comme axe géométrique
- 4005 Nombre maximum d'axes dans le canal %1 dépassé. Limite %2
- 4007 Axe %1 affectation incorrecte de la NCU maître dans le paramètre machine %2
- 4010 Identifiant non valide utilisé dans les données machine %1[%2]
- 4011 Identifiant invalide du canal %1 utilisé dans les données machine %2[%3]
- 4012 Identifiant non valide utilisé dans les données machine %1[%2]
- 4013 Configuration de liaison NCU invalide par paramètre machine %1 =%2 , sur NCU_1 =%3
- 4014 Axe %1 défini plusieurs fois dans %2
- 4016 Axe %1 déjà utilisé par la NCU %2
- 4017 Conteneur d'axe %1, emplacement %2 déjà utilisé par la NCU %3
- 4018 Conteneur d'axe %1, emplacement %2 non utilisé par aucun canal
- 4019 Avance du conteneur d'axe %1 non autorisée avec l'état actuel de la NCU %2
- 4020 Identifiant %1 utilisé plusieurs fois dans la donnée machine %2
- 4021 Identifiant du canal %1 %2 utilisé plusieurs fois dans les données machine %3
- 4022 Commutateur du conteneur d'axes %3 non autorisé :ext. décalage d'origine voie active %1 axe %2
- 4023 Commutation du conteneur d'axes %1 non autorisée, commutateur du conteneur d'axes %2 actif
- 4024 Configuration d'axe non valide en raison de données machine de conteneur d'axe manquantes
- 4025 Commutation du conteneur d'axes %3 non autorisée :canal maître/esclave actif %1 axe %2
- 4026 Paramètre machine %1[%2], l'axe de liaison NC%3_AX%4 n'est utilisé par aucun canal
- 4027 Remarque :PM %1 a également été modifié pour les autres axes du conteneur d'axes %2
- 4028 Remarque ! Les PM axiaux des axes des conteneurs d'axes ont été appariés.
- 4029 Remarque :les PM axiaux dans le conteneur d'axes %1 seront mis en correspondance à la prochaine mise sous tension
- 4030 Identificateur d'axe du canal %1 manquant dans le paramètre machine %2[%3]
- 4031 Canal %1 lien axe %2 défini pour plus d'un canal dans le paramètre machine %3
- 4032 Identifiant incorrect du canal %1 pour l'axe de face dans %2
- 4033 Avis :la communication de la liaison NCU n'est toujours pas connectée
- 4034 L'axe de liaison locale %1 n'est pas autorisé pour un temps de cycle d'interpolation différent =%2/%3
- 4035 Le cycle d'interpolation de NCU%1 =%2 ne correspond pas à NCU%3 =%4
- 4036 Mauvaise configuration du lien NCU par MD %1
- 4040 Canal %1 Identifiant d'axe %2 non cohérent avec le paramètre machine %3
- 4045 Conflit canal %1 entre les données machine %2 et les données machine %3
- 4050 L'identifiant de code NC %1 ne peut pas être reconfiguré en %2
- 4 060 données machine standard chargées
- 4 062 données de sauvegarde chargées
- 4065 La mémoire tampon a été restaurée à partir du support de sauvegarde (perte potentielle de données !)
- 4066 Mémoire tampon du FFS restaurée à partir du support de sauvegarde (perte potentielle de données !)
- 4070 La normalisation des données machine a été modifiée
- 4073 Les fonctions du cycle de compilation définissent plusieurs fois le numéro de paramètre machine %1
- 4075 Données machine %1 (et peut-être d'autres) non modifiées en raison du niveau d'autorisation manquant %2
- 4076 %1 Les données de la machine n'ont pas pu être modifiées avec le niveau d'autorisation %2
- 4077 La nouvelle valeur %1 du MD %2 n'est pas définie. %3 octets demandés trop de mémoire %4.
- 4080 Mauvaise configuration de l'axe d'indexation dans PM %1
- 4090 Trop d'erreurs lors de la mise sous tension
- 4100 Temps de cycle système/diviseur de temps de scrutation corrigé pour le lecteur numérique
- 4102 Les valeurs par défaut pour les temps de cycle de conduite diffèrent
- 4 110 Facteur d'introduction en bourse augmenté à %1
- 4111 Cycle API augmenté à %1 ms
- 4112 Cycle servo changé à %1 ms
- 4113 Cycle d'horloge système changé en %1 ms
- 4114 Erreur dans le cycle DP de SDB1000
- 4115 La communication du rapport temporel vers Ipo est passée à %1
- 4150 Canal %1 appel de sous-programme de fonction M invalide configuré
- 4152 Configuration illégale de la fonction "Bloquer l'affichage avec des valeurs absolues"
- 4160 Canal %1 numéro de fonction M invalide configuré pour la commutation de broche
- 4170 Numéro de fonction M invalide pour la synchronisation de canal attribuée
- 4180 Numéro de fonction M invalide attribué pour activer ASUP
- 4181 Canal %1 affectation invalide d'un numéro de fonction auxiliaire M
- 4182 Canal %1 numéro de fonction auxiliaire M non valide dans %2%3, MD réinitialisé
- 4183 Canal %1 M fonction auxiliaire numéro %2 utilisé plusieurs fois (%3 et %4)
- 4184 Canal %1 fonction auxiliaire prédéfinie illégalement dans %2%3, réinitialisation MD
- 4185 Canal %1 fonction auxiliaire illégale configurée %2 %3 %4
- 4200 Canal %1 axe géométrique %2 ne doit pas être déclaré axe rotatif
- 4210 Canal %1 broche %2 déclaration comme axe rotatif manquante
- 4215 Canal %1 broche %2 déclaration comme axe modulo manquant
- 4220 Canal %1 broche %2 déclaré à plusieurs reprises
- 4225 Canal %1 déclaration axe %2 comme axe rotatif manquante
- 4230 Modification des données du canal %1 depuis l'extérieur impossible dans l'état actuel du canal
- 4240 Dépassement du temps d'exécution pour cycle IPO ou cycle régulateur de position, IP %1
- Fonctionnalité FastPlcCom 4250 non disponible
- 4252 Erreur de lecture PLCIO :%1
- 4254 Erreur d'écriture PLCIO :%1
- 4260 Données machine %1 illégales
- 4270 Le paramètre machine %1 affecte l'octet d'entrée/sortie NCK non activé %2
- 4275 Les paramètres machine %1 et %2 affectent tous les deux le même n° d'octet de sortie NCK. %3 plusieurs fois
- 4280 L'affectation de l'octet d'entrée/sortie NCK via MD %1[%2] ne correspond pas à la configuration matérielle
- 4282 Matériel des sorties NCK externes assignées à plusieurs reprises
- 4285 Erreur sur le bornier %1, code d'erreur %2
- 4290 Surveillance du signe de vie du bus P local
- 4291 Module dans l'emplacement P-bus local %1 codes d'erreur %2 %3 %4 %2 %3 %4
- 4300 La déclaration dans PM %1 n'est pas autorisée pour l'axe géométrique/broche %2.
- 4310 La déclaration dans MD %1 index %2 n'est pas autorisée.
- 4320 Axe %1 fonction %2 %3 et %4 non autorisées
- 4334 Canal %1 La quantité de correction fine dans le paramètre %2 du porte-outil orientable %3 est trop grande
- 4336 Canal %1 porte-outil orientable no. %2 pour la transformation d'orientation %3 n'existe pas
- 4338 Canal %1 type de transformation invalide '%2' dans le porte-outil %3 pour le transformateur d'orientation %4
- 4340 Canal %1 bloc %2 type de transformation invalide dans la transformation no. %3
- 4341 Canal %1 bloc %2 aucun jeu de données disponible pour la transformation no. %3
- 4342 Canal %1 paramètre machine invalide pour l'erreur de transformation 5 axes générale no. %2
- 4343 Le canal %1 a tenté de modifier les données machine d'une transformation active.
- 4345 Configuration invalide du canal %1 dans la transformation chaînée n° %2
- 4346 Affectation géoaxe du canal %1 invalide dans les données machine %2[%3]
- 4347 Canal %1 affectation d'axe de canal non valide dans le paramètre machine %2[%3]
- 4350 Canal %1 identificateur d'axe %2 paramètre machine %3 non cohérent avec le paramètre machine %4
- L'altération de 4400 MD entraînera une réorganisation de la mémoire tampon (perte de données !)
- 4502 Canal %1 anachronisme %2(%3) -> %4
- 5000 Tâche de communication non exécutable %1
- 6 000 mémoire réorganisée à l'aide de données machine standard
- 6010 Canal %1 bloc de données %2 pas ou pas complètement créé, code d'erreur %3
- 6 020 données de la machine ont été modifiées :la mémoire est maintenant réorganisée
- 6030 La limite de mémoire utilisateur a été adaptée
- 6035 Au lieu de %1 Ko, le système ne dispose que de %2 Ko de mémoire utilisateur libre de type « %3 »
- 6100 Erreur lors de la création de %1, numéro d'erreur %2 %3
- 6401 Changement d'outil du canal %1 impossible :emplacement vide pour l'outil %2 Duplo no. %3 sur le magasin %4 non disponible.
- 6402 Changement d'outil canal %1 impossible. Magazine n° %2 non disponible
- 6403 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Magazine location number %2 on magazine %3 not available.
- 6404 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Tool %2 not available or not usable
- 6405 Channel %1 command %2 has invalid PLC acknowledge parameter %3 – identifier %4
- 6406 Channel %1 PLC acknowledge for command %2 is missing
- 6407 Channel %1 tool %2 cannot be placed in magazine %3 on location %4.Invalid definition of magazine!
- 6410 TO unit %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its pre warning limit with D =%4
- 6411 Channel %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its prewarning limit with D =%4
- 6412 TO unit %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its monitoring limit with D =%4
- 6413 Channel %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its monitoring limit with D =%4
- 6421 Channel %1 tool move not possible. Empty location for tool %2 Duplo no. %3 on magazine %4 not available.
- 6422 Channel %1 tool move not possible. Magazine no. %2 not available.
- 6423 Channel %1 tool move not possible. Location %2 on magazine %3 not available.
- 6424 Channel %1 tool move not possible. Tool %2 not available/not usable.
- 6425 Channel %1 tool %2 cannot be placed in magazine %3 on location %4. Invalid definition of magazine!
- 6430 Workpiece counter:overflow in table of monitored cutting edges.
- 6431 Function not allowed. Tool management/monitoring is not active.
- 6432 Function not executable. No tool assigned to tool holder/spindle
- 6433 Channel %1 block %2 %3 not available with tool management
- 6434 Channel %1 block %2 NC command SETMTH not allowed because tool holder function not active
- 6441 Writing of $P_USEKT not allowed.
- 6442 Channel %1 function not executable. No tool assigned to desired magazine/magazine location %2.
- 6450 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Invalid magazine location no. %2 in buffer magazine
- 6451 Channel %1 tool change not possible. No buffer magazine defined.
- 6452 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Tool holder/spindle number =%2 not defined.
- 6453 Channel %1 tool change not possible. No assignment between toolholder/spindle no. =%2 and buffer magazine location %3
- 6454 Channel %1 tool change not possible. No distance relation available.
- 6500 NC memory full
- 6510 Too many part programs in the NC memory
- 6520 The value of the machine data %1%2 is too low
- 6530 Too many files in directory
- 6540 Too many directories in the NC memory
- 6550 Too many subdirectories
- 6560 Data format not allowed
- 6570 NC memory full
- 6580 NC memory full
- 6600 NC card memory is full
- 6610 Too many files open on NC card
- 6620 NC card has incorrect format
- 6630 NC card hardware is defective
- 6640 NC card is not inserted
- 6650 Write protection of NC card is active
- 6660 ‘Flash File System’ option is not set
- 6670 NC card read active
- 6671 NC card write active
- 6690 Cycles from NC card cannot be copied to the passive file system.
- 6691 Cycles from the passive file system cannot be saved on the NC card
- 6692 Cycle %1 lost
- 6693 File %1 lost
- 6698 Unknown NC card (%1/%2). Writing not possible.
- 6700 Channel %1 value of the machine data %2%3 is too low
- 7000 Too many compile cycle alarms defined
- 7010 Range of MMC alarm numbers for compile cycles exceeded
- 7020 Compile cycle alarm number has not been defined
- 7100 Compile cycles VDI area:%1 byte for inputs and %2 byte for outputs. Maximum %3 bytes available.
- 7200 Problem with externally linked compile cycle %1 %2
- 7201 Assertion error in %1 line %2
- 7202 Missing option bit for %1:%2
- 8000 Channel %1 option ‘user interrupt programs’ not set
- 8010 Option ‘activation of more than %1 axes’ not set
- 8020 Option ‘activation of more than %1 channels’ not set
- 8021 Option ‘activation of more than %1 mode groups’ not set
- 8022 Option ‘activation of more than %1KB SRAM’ not set
- 8030 Channel %1 block %2 option ‘interpolation of more than 4 axes’ not set
- 8032 Option ‘activation of more than %1 link axes’ not set
- 8034 Option ‘activation of axis containers’ not set
- 8036 Option:it is not allowed to set different IPO cycles or position control cycles with NCU link.
- 8038 Option ‘activation of more than %1 lead link axes’ not set
- 8040 Machine data %1 reset, corresponding option is not set
- 8041 Axis %1:MD %2 reset, corresponding option not sufficient
- 8044 Option for IPO cycle time %1 ms not set
- 8045 Option for selected cycle settings not set
- 8080 %1 options are activated without setting the license key
- 8081 %1 options are activated that are not licensed by the license key
- 8082 The license key was entered three times, Power On required before next try.
- 8098 Invalid combination of options (%1)
- 8100 Channel %1 block %2:function not possible
- 10203 Channel %1 NC start without reference point
- 10207 Channel %1 error when selecting or deselecting the digitize function
- 10208 Channel %1 continue program with NC start
- 10209 Channel %1 internal NC stop after block search
- 10222 Channel %1 inter-channel communication not possible
- 10223 Channel %1:Command %2 is already occupied
- 10225 Channel %1:command denied
- 10299 Channel %1 Auto-Repos function is not enabled
- 10600 Channel %1 block %2 auxiliary function during thread cutting active
- 10601 Channel %1 block %2 zero velocity at block end point during thread cutting
- 10604 Channel %1 block %2 thread lead increase too high
- 10605 Channel %1 block %2 thread lead decrease too high
- 10607 Channel %1 block %2 thread with frame not executable
- 10610 Channel %1 axis %2 not stopped
- 10620 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 at software limit switch %4
- 10621 Channel %1 axis %2 rests on software limit switch %3
- 10630 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 at working area limit %4
- 10631 Channel %1 axis %2 rests at working area limit %3
- 10650 Channel %1 axis %2 incorrect gantry machine data, error code %3
- 10651 Channel %1 illegal gantry configuration. Error code %2
- 10652 Channel %1 axis %2 gantry warning threshold exceeded
- 10653 Channel %1 axis %2 gantry error threshold exceeded
- 10654 Channel %1 waiting for synchronization start of gantry group %2
- 10655 Channel %1 synchronization of gantry group %2 in progress
- 10656 Channel %1 axis %2 gantry alarm not yet used
- 10700 Channel %1 block %2 NCK protection zone %3 violated during automatic or MDA mode
- 10701 Channel %1 block %2 channel-specific protection zone %3 violated during automatic or MDA mode
- 10702 Channel %1 NCK protection zone %2 violated during manual mode
- 10703 Channel %1 channel-specific protection zone %2 violated during manual mode
- 10704 Channel %1 block %2 protection zone monitoring is not guaranteed
- 10706 Channel %1 NCK protection zone %2 reached with axis %3 during manual mode
- 10707 Channel %1 channel-specific protection zone %2 reached with axis %3 during manual mode
- 10710 Channel %1 block %2 conflict with centre less grinding
- 10720 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 software limit switch %4
- 10721 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 software limit switch %4
- 10730 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 working area limitation %4
- 10731 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 working area limitation %4
- 10740 Channel %1 block %2 too many empty blocks in WAB programming
- 10741 Channel %1 block %2 direction reversal with WAB infeed motion
- 10742 Channel %1 block %2 WAB distance invalid or not programmed
- 10743 Channel %1 block %2 WAB programmed several times
- 10744 Channel %1 block %2 no valid WAB direction defined
- 10745 Channel %1 block %2 WAB end position not clear
- 10746 Channel %1 block %2 block search stop for WAB
- 10747 Channel %1 block %2 retraction direction not defined for WAB
- 10748 Channel %1 block %2 illegal retract plane with WAB
- 10750 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation activated without tool number
- 10751 Channel %1 block %2 danger of collision due to tool radius compensation
- 10752 Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer with tool radius compensation
- 10753 Channel %1 block %2 selection of the tool radius compensation only possible in linear block
- 10754 Channel %1 block %2 deselection of the tool radius compensation only possible in linear block
- 10755 Channel %1 block %2 selection of the tool radius compensation via KONT not possible at the current starting point
- 10756 Channel %1 block %2 deselection of the tool radius compensation via KONT not possible at the programmed end point
- 10757 Channel %1 block %2 changing the compensation plane while tool radius compensation is active not possible
- 10758 Channel %1 block %2 curvature radius with variable compensation value too small
- 10759 Channel %1 block %2 path is parallel to tool orientation
- 10760 Channel %1 block %2 helical axis is not parallel to tool orientation
- 10761 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation for ellipse with more than one revolution not possible
- 10762 Channel %1 block %2 too many empty blocks between two traversing blocks with active tool radius compensation
- 10763 Channel %1 block %2 path component of the block in the compensation plane becomes zero
- 10764 Channel %1 block %2 discontinuous path with active tool radius compensation
- 10765 Channel %1 block %2 3D tool radius compensation not possible
- 10766 Channel %1 illegal change of surface orientation between block %2 and block %3
- 10767 Channel %1 block %2 processing with tilt angle unequal 0 not possible
- 10768 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool orientation with 3D tool radius compensation
- 10769 Channel %1 block %2 Illegal surface normal vector with 3D tool radius compensation
- 10770 Channel %1 block %2 change of corner type due to change of orientation with active tool radius compensation
- 10771 Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer due to orientation smoothing
- 10772 Channel %1 block %2 illegal orientation change when activating or deactivating 3D face cutting
- 10773 Channel %1 illegal tool orientation in block %2 at inside corner with block %3
- 10774 Channel %1 illegal tool dimensions with face cutting in block %2
- 10775 Channel %1 illegal tool change with face cutting in block %2
- 10776 Channel %1 block%2 axis %3 must be geometry axis if tool radius compensation is active
- 10777 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation:too many blocks with suppression of compensation
- 10778 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing stop with active tool radius compensation
- 10779 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing stop with active tool radius compensation
- 10780 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing stop with active tool radius compensation
- 10781 Channel %1 block %2 illegal orientation of involute with tool radius compensation
- 10782 Channel %1 block %2 illegal curve type with tool radius compensation
- 10783 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation type requires orientation transformation
- 10784 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool for tool radius compensation with constraint surface
- 10790 Channel %1 block %2 plane change during linear programming with angles
- 10791 Channel %1 block %2 invalid angle during linear programming
- 10792 Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type during linear programming with angles
- 10793 Channel %1 block %2 second block missing during linear programming with angles
- 10794 Channel %1 block %2 angle specification missing in second block during linear interpolation with angles
- 10795 Channel %1 block %2 end point specification during angle programming contradictory
- 10800 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 is not a geometry axis
- 10805 Channel %1 block %2 repositioning after switch of geometry axes or transformation
- 10810 Channel %1 block %2 master spindle not defined
- 10820 Channel %1 rotary axis/spindle %2 not defined
- 10860 Channel %1 block %2 feedrate not programmed
- 10861 Channel %1 block %3 velocity of positioning axis %2 is zero
- 10862 Channel %1 block %2 master spindle also used as path axis
- 10870 Channel %1 block %2 facing axis not defined
- 10880 Channel %1 block %2 too many empty blocks between two traversing blocks when inserting chamfers or radii
- 10881 Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer when inserting chamfers or radii
- 10882 Channel %1 block %2 activation of chamfers or radii (non-modal) without traversing movement in the block
- 10883 Channel %1 block %2 chamfer or fillet has to be reduced
- 10890 Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer when calculating splines
- 10891 Channel %1 block %2 multiplicity of node is greater than its order
- 10900 Channel %1 block %2 no S value programmed for constant cutting speed
- 10910 Channel %1 block %2 excessive velocity of one path axis
- 10911 Channel %1 block %2 transformation prohibits to traverse the pole
- 10912 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing and main run might not be synchronized
- 10913 Channel %1 block %2 negative feed profile is ignored
- 10914 Movement not possible while transformation active – in channel %1, block %2
- 10930 Channel %1 block %2 interpolation type not allowed in stock removal contour
- 10931 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect stock removal contour
- 10932 Channel %1 block %2 preparation of contour has been restarted
- 10933 Channel %1 block %2 contour program does not contain enough contour blocks
- 10934 Channel %1 block %2 array for contour segmentation is set too small
- 10940 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3:delete/overwrite not possible
- 10941 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3:NC memory full
- 10942 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3:illegal instruction during definition
- 10943 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3:direction reversal of lead value in the block not allowed
- 10944 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3:illegal transformation
- 10945 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3:illegal coupling of axes
- 10946 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3:no contour defined
- 10947 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3:contour not continuous
- 10948 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3:position jump at end of period
- 10949 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3:missing master axis motion
- 10950 Channel %1 calculation of arc length function too inaccurate
- 10951 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3:following value period is zero
- 10955 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3:missing master axis motion
- 10956 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3:NC memory limit DRAM reached
- 10960 Channel %1 block %2 COMPCURV/COMPCAD and radius compensation cannot be used simultaneously
- 10961 Channel %1 block %2 maximum cubic polynomials are allowed on active radius compensation.
- 10962 Channel %1 block %2 function %3 not possible with path correction
- 12000 Channel %1 block %2 address %3 programmed repeatedly
- 12010 Channel %1 block %2 address %3 address type programmed too often
- 12020 Channel %1 block %2 illegal address modification
- 12030 Channel %1 block %2 invalid parameter or data type in %3
- 12040 Channel %1 block %2 expression %3 is not of data type ‘AXIS’
- 12050 Channel %1 block %2 DIN address %3 not configured
- 12060 Channel %1 block %2 same G group programmed repeatedly
- 12070 Channel %1 block %2 too many syntax-defining G functions
- 12080 Channel %1 block %2 syntax error in text %3
- 12090 Channel %1 block %2 unexpected parameter %3
- 12100 Channel %1 block %2 number of passes %3 not permissible
- 12110 Channel %1 block %2 block syntax cannot be interpreted
- 12120 Channel %1 block %2 G function not separately programmed
- 12130 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool orientation
- 12140 Channel %1 block %2 functionality %3 not implemented
- 12150 Channel %1 block %2 operation %3 not compatible with data type
- 12160 Channel %1 block %2 range of values exceeded
- 12170 Channel %1 block %2 identifier %3 defined repeatedly
- 12180 Channel %1 block %2 illegal chaining of operators %3
- 12190 Channel %1 block %2 variable of type ARRAY has too many dimensions
- 12200 Channel %1 block %2 symbol %3 cannot be created
- 12210 Channel %1 block %2 string %3 too long
- 12220 Channel %1 block %2 binary constant %3 in string too long
- 12230 Channel %1 block %2 hexadecimal constant %3 in string too long
- 12240 Channel %1 block %2 tool orientation %3 defined repeatedly
- 12250 Channel %1 block %2 nested macro %3 not possible
- 12260 Channel %1 block %2 too many initialization values specified %3
- 12261 Channel %1 block %2 initialization of %3 not allowed
- 12270 Channel %1 block %2 macro identifier %3 already defined
- 12280 Channel %1 block %2 maximum macro length %3 exceeded
- 12290 Channel %1 block %2 arithmetic variable % 3 not defined
- 12300 Channel %1 block %2 call-by-reference parameter missing on subroutine call %3
- 12310 Channel %1 block %2 axis parameter missing on procedure call %3
- 12320 Channel %1 block %2 parameter %3 is no variable
- 12330 Channel %1 block %2 type of parameter %3 incorrect
- 12340 Channel %1 block %2 number of parameters too high %3
- 12350 Channel %1 block %2 parameter %3 no longer possible
- 12360 Channel %1 block %2 dimension of parameter %3 incorrect
- 12370 Channel %1 block %2 range of values %3 not permissible
- 12380 Channel %1 block %2 maximum memory capacity reached
- 12390 Channel %1 block %2 initialization value %3 cannot be converted
- 12400 Channel %1 block %2 field %3 element does not exist
- 12410 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect index type for %3
- 12420 Channel %1 block %2 identifier %3 too long
- 12430 Channel %1 block %2 specified index is invalid
- 12440 Channel %1 block %2 maximum number of formal arguments exceeded
- 12450 Channel %1 block %2 label defined twice
- 12460 Channel %1 block %2 maximum number of symbols exceeded with %3
- 12470 Channel %1 block %2 G function %3 is unknown
- 12475 Channel %1 block %2 invalid G function number %3 programmed
- 12480 Channel %1 block %2 subroutine %3 already defined
- 12490 Channel %1 block %2 access permission level %3 is not valid
- 12500 Channel %1 block %2 in this module %3 is not possible
- 12510 Channel %1 block %2 too many machine data %3
- 12520 Channel %1 block %2 too many tool parameters %3
- 12530 Channel %1 block %2 invalid index for %3
- 12540 Channel %1 block %2 Block is too long or too complex
- 12550 Channel %1 block %2 name %3 not defined or option not installed
- 12552 Channel %1 block %2 tool/magazine OEM parameter not defined. Option not set.Option not set.
- 12560 Channel %1 block %2 programmed value %3 exceeds allowed limits
- 12570 Channel %1 block %2 too many motion synchronous actions in %3
- 12571 Channel %1 block %2 %3 not permissible for motion synchronous action
- 12572 Channel %1 block %2 %3 only permissible for motion synchronous action
- 12580 Channel %1 block %2 %3 not permissible for assignment in motion synchronous action
- 12581 Channel %1 block %2 invalid read access to %3 while in motion synchronous action
- 12582 Channel %1 block %2 field index %3 incorrect
- 12583 Channel %1 block %2 variable %3 no system variable
- 12584 Channel %1 block %2 variable %3 cannot be read synchronously with motion
- 12585 Channel %1 block %2 variable %3 cannot be changed synchronously with motion
- 12586 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action:type conflict in variable %3
- 12587 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action:operation/function %3 not allowed
- 12588 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action:address %3 not allowed
- 12589 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action:variable %3 not allowed with modal ID
- 12590 Channel %1 block %2 global user data cannot be created
- 12600 Channel %1 block %2 invalid line checksum
- 12610 Channel %1 block %2 accessing single character with call-by-reference parameter not possible %3
- 12620 Channel %1 block %2 accessing this variable as single character not possible
- 12630 Channel %1 block %2 skip ID/label in control structure not allowed
- 12640 Channel %1 block %2 invalid nesting of control structures
- 12641 Channel %1 block %2 maximum nesting depth of control structures exceeded
- 12650 Channel %1 block %2 axis identifier %3 different in channel %4
- 12660 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action:variable %3 reserved for motion synchronous actions and technology cycles
- 12661 Channel %1 block %2 technology cycle %3:no further subprogram call possible
- 12700 Channel %1 block %2 contour definition programming not allowed as modal sub program is active
- 12701 Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type for contour definition active
- 12710 Channel %1 block %2 illegal language element in external language mode
- 12720 Channel %1 block %2 program number for macro call (G65/G66) missing
- 12722 Channel %1 block %2 multiple ISO_2/3 macro or cycle calls in the block
- 12724 Channel %1 block %2 no radius programmed for cylinder interpolation activation/deactivation
- 12726 Channel %1 block %2 illegal plane selection with parallel axes
- 12728 Channel %1 block %2 distance for double turret not set
- 12730 Channel %1 block %2 no valid transformation machine data parametrized
- 12740 Channel %1 block %2 modal macro call %3 not possible
- 14000 Channel %1 block %2 illegal end of file
- 14001 Channel %1 block %2 illegal end of block
- 14009 Channel %1 block %2 illegal program path %3
- 14010 Channel %1 block %2 invalid default parameter in subroutine call
- 14011 Channel %1 block %2 program %3 not existing or will be edited
- 14012 Channel %1 block %2 maximum subroutine level exceeded
- 14013 Channel %1 block %2 number of subroutine passes invalid
- 14014 Channel %1 selected program %3 not available or will be edited
- 14015 Channel %1 block %2 program %3 is not enabled
- 14016 Channel %1 block %2 error when calling the subroutine via M/T function
- 14017 Channel %1 block %2 syntax error when calling the subroutine via M function
- 14020 Channel %1 block %2 wrong value or wrong number of parameters on function or procedure call
- 14021 Channel %1 block %2 wrong value or wrong number of parameters on function or procedure call
- 14025 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action:illegal modal ID
- 14026 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action:invalid polynomial number in the FCTDEF command
- 14030 Channel %1 block %2 combine OSCILL and POSP during oscillation with in feed motion
- 14033 Channel %1 block %2 involute:no end point programmed
- 14034 Channel %1 block %2 involute:angle of rotation too large
- 14035 Channel %1 block %2 involute:start point invalid
- 14036 Channel %1 block %2 involute:end point invalid
- 14037 Channel %1 block %2 involute:radius invalid
- 14038 Channel %1 block %2 involute not definable:end point error
- 14039 Channel %1 block %2 involute:end point programmed several times
- 14040 Channel %1 block %2 error in end point of circle
- 14045 Channel %1 block %2 error in tangential circle programming
- 14048 Channel %1 block %2 wrong number of revolutions in circle programming
- 14050 Channel %1 block %2 nesting depth for arithmetic operations exceeded
- 14051 Channel %1 block %2 arithmetic error in part program
- 14060 Channel %1 block %2 invalid skip level with differential block skip
- 14070 Channel %1 block %2 memory for variables not sufficient for subroutine call
- 14080 Channel %1 block %2 jump destination %3 not found
- 14082 Channel %1 block %2 label %3 program section not found
- 14085 Channel %1 block %2 instruction not allowed
- 14088 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 doubtful position
- 14090 Channel %1 block %2 illegal D number
- 14091 Channel %1 block %2 illegal function, index %3 %3
- 14092 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is wrong axis type
- 14093 Channel %1 block %2 path interval <=0 with polynominal interpolation
- 14094 Channel %1 block %2 polynominal degree greater than 3 programmed for polynominal interpolation
- 14095 Channel %1 block %2 radius for circle programming too small
- 14096 Channel %1 block %2 illegal type conversion
- 14097 Channel %1 block %2 string cannot be converted to AXIS type
- 14098 Channel %1 block %2 conversion error:no valid number found
- 14099 Channel %1 block %2 result in string concatenation too long
- 14100 Channel %1 block %2 orientation transformation not available
- 14101 Channel %1 block %2 orientation transformation not active
- 14102 Channel %1 block %2 polynominal degree greater than 5 programmed for orientation vector angle
- 14110 Channel %1 block %2 Euler angles and orientation vector components programmed
- 14111 Channel %1 block %2 Euler angles, orientation vector and transformation axes programmed
- 14112 Channel %1 block %2 programmed orientation path not possible
- 14113 Channel %1 block %2 programmed lead angle too large
- 14114 Channel %1 block %2 programmed tilt angle too large
- 14115 Channel %1 block %2 illegal definition of workpiece surface
- 14116 Channel %1 block %2 absolute orientation programmed while ORIPATH is active
- 14117 Channel %1 block %2 no angle or direction of the cone programmed
- 14118 Channel %1 block %2 no end orientation programmed
- 14119 Channel %1 block %2 no intermediate orientation programmed
- 14120 Channel %1 block %2 plane determination for programmed orientation not possible
- 14122 Channel %1 block %2 angle and direction of the cone programmed
- 14123 Channel %1 block %2 nutation angle of the cone too small
- 14124 Channel %1 block %2 start tangent for orientation is zero
- 14125 Channel %1 block %2 programmed rotation is not possible
- 14129 Channel %1 block %2 orientation angles and orientation vector components programmed
- 14130 Channel %1 block %2 too many initialization values given
- 14131 Channel %1 block %2 orientation axes and lead/tilt angles programmed
- 14132 Channel %1 block %2 orientation axes incorrectly configured
- 14133 Channel %1 block %2 G code for orientation definition not allowed
- 14134 Channel %1 block %2 G code for orientation interpolation not allowed
- 14140 Channel %1 block %2 position programming without transformation not allowed
- 14144 Channel %1 block %2 PTP movement not allowed
- 14146 Channel %1 block %2 CP or PTP movement without transformation not allowed
- 14148 Channel %1 illegal reference system for Cartesian manual traverse
- 14150 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool carrier number programmed or declared (MD)
- 14151 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool carrier rotation
- 14152 Channel %1 block %2 tool carrier:invalid orientation. Error code:%3
- 14153 Channel %1 block %2 unknown tool carrier type:%3
- 14154 Channel %1 block %2 The amount of fine correction in parameter %3 of the orientable tool holder %4 is too large
- 14155 Channel %1 block %2 invalid base frame definition for tool carrier offset
- 14156 Channel %1 toolholder selection error at reset
- 14157 Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type with MOVT
- 14159 Channel %1 block %2 more than two angles programmed with ROTS or AROTS
- 14160 Channel %1 block %2 tool length selection without geometry axis specification
- 14165 Channel %1 block %2 active T number does not match selected tool
- 14170 Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type with tool length compensation
- 14180 Channel %1 block %2 H number is not defined
- 14185 Channel %1 block %2 D number is not defined
- 14190 Channel %1 block %2 H number with G49
- 14195 Channel %1 block %2 D number with G49
- 14197 Channel %1 block %2 D number and H number programmed simultaneously
- 14198 Channel %1 block %2 illegal change of tool direction with tool offset
- 14199 Channel %1 block %2 illegal plane change for tool with diameter component
- 14200 Channel %1 block %2 negative polar radius
- 14210 Channel %1 block %2 polar angle too large
- 14250 Channel %1 block %2 negative pole radius
- 14260 Channel %1 block %2 pole angle too large
- 14270 Channel %1 block %2 pole programmed incorrectly
- 14280 Channel %1 block %2 polar coordinates programmed incorrectly
- 14290 Channel %1 block %2 poly nominal degree greater than 5 programmed for poly nominal interpolation
- 14300 Channel %1 block %2 overlaid handwheel motion activated incorrectly
- 14310 Handwheel %1 configuration incorrect or inactive
- 14400 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation active at transformation switchover
- 14401 Channel %1 block %2 transformation not available
- 14402 Channel %1 block %2 spline active at transformation change
- 14403 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing and main run might not be synchronized
- 14404 Channel %1 block %2 illegal parametrization of transformation
- 14410 Channel %1 block %2 spline active at geometry axis changeover
- 14411 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation active at geometry axis changeover
- 14412 Channel %1 block %2 transformation active at geometry axis changeover
- 14413 Channel %1 block %2 fine tool correction:changeover geometry/channel axis not allowed
- 14414 Channel %1 block %2 GEOAX function:incorrect call
- 14415 Channel %1 block %2 tangent control:changeover geometry/channel axis not allowed
- 14420 Channel %1 block %2 index axis %3 frame not allowed
- 14500 Channel %1 block %2 illegal DEF or PROC instruction in the part program
- 14510 Channel %1 block %2 PROC instruction missing on subroutine call
- 14520 Channel %1 block %2 illegal PROC instruction in data definition section
- 14530 Channel %1 block %2 EXTERN and PROC instruction do not correspond
- 14600 Channel %1 block %2 reload buffer %3 cannot be established
- 14601 Channel %1 block %2 reload buffer could not be deleted
- 14602 Channel %1 block %2 timeout during EXTCALL
- 14610 Channel %1 block %2 compensation block not possible
- 14650 Channel %1 block %2 SETINT instruction with invalid ASUP input
- 14660 Channel %1 block %2 SETINT instruction with invalid priority
- 14700 Channel %1 block %2 timeout during command to interpreter
- 14701 Channel %1 block %2 number of available NC blocks reduced by %3
- 14710 Channel %1 block %2 error in initialization sequence in function %3
- 14720 Channel %1 block %2 axes for centerless transformation not available
- 14730 Channel %1 block %2 conflict at activation of centerless transformation
- 14740 Channel %1 block %2 no tool data available for centerless grinding
- 14745 Channel %1 block %2 centerless grinding not active
- 14750 Channel %1 block %2 too many auxiliary functions programmed
- 14751 Channel %1 block %2 resources for motion synchronous actions not sufficient (code:%3)
- 14752 Channel %1 block %2 DELDTG | STOPREOF conflict
- 14753 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous actions with illegal interpolation type
- 14754 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous actions and wrong feed type
- 14755 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous actions without traverse motion
- 14756 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action and wrong value
- 14757 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action and wrong type
- 14758 Channel %1 block %2 programmed value not available
- 14759 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action and wrong axis type
- 14760 Channel %1 block %2 auxiliary function of a group programmed repeatedly
- 14761 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action:DELDTG function not allowed with active tool radius compensation
- 14762 Channel %1 block %2 too many PLC variables programmed
- 14763 Channel %1 block %2 too many link variables programmed
- 14764 NCU link cannot transfer all link variables immediately
- 14765 NCU link cannot transfer all link variables
- 14766 NCU link is heavily loaded, impending memory shortage
- 14767 Machine data matching via NCU link not complete
- 14770 Channel %1 block %2 auxiliary function programmed incorrectly
- 14780 Channel %1 block %2 unreleased option used
- 14790 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 programmed by PLC
- 14800 Channel %1 block %2 programmed path speed less or equal to zero
- 14810 Channel %1 block %2 negative axis speed programmed for positioning axis %3
- 14811 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect value range for acceleration of axis/spindle %3
- 14812 Channel %1 block %2 SOFTA not available for axis %3
- 14815 Channel %1 block %2 negative thread lead change programmed
- 14820 Channel %1 block %2 negative value for maximum spindle speed programmed with constant cutting speed
- 14821 Channel %1 block %2 error in selection or deselection of GWPS
- 14822 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect programming of GWPS
- 14823 Channel %1 block %2 error on selection or deselection of tool monitoring
- 14824 Channel %1 block %2 conflict with GWPS
- 14840 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect value range for constant cutting speed
- 14900 Channel %1 block %2 center point and end point programmed simultaneously
- 14910 Channel %1 block %2 invalid angle of aperture for programmed circle
- 14920 Channel %1 block %2 intermediate point of circle incorrect
- 15000 Channel %1 block %2 channel-sync instruction using illegal mark
- 15010 Channel %1 block %2 program coordination instruction with invalid channel number
- 15020 Channel %1 block %2 CHANDATA instruction cannot be executed. Channel %3 is not active
- 15021 Channel %1 block %2 CHANDATA instruction with invalid channel number
- 15025 CHANDATA(%2):channel is not active. Channel data will be ignored.
- 15030 Channel %1 block %2 different measurement system settings
- 15100 Channel %1 block %2 REORG abort caused by log file overflow
- 15110 Channel %1 block %2 REORG not possible
- 15150 Channel %1 block %2 reload from external aborted
- 15160 Channel %1 block %2 wrong preprocessing configuration
- 15165 Channel %1 block %2 error when translating or interpreting PLC Asup %3
- 15166 Channel %1 user system asup _N_ASUP_SPF not available
- 15170 Channel %1 block %2 program %3 could not be compiled
- 15171 Channel %1 block %2 compiled program %3 older than the relevant subroutine
- 15175 Channel %1 block %2 program %3. Interfaces could not be built
- 15180 Channel %1 block %2 program %3 cannot be executed as INI file
- 15185 Channel %1 %2 errors in INI file
- 15190 Channel %1 block %2 not enough free memory for subroutine call
- 15300 Channel %1 block %2 invalid number-of-passed-blocks during block search
- 15310 Channel %1 block %2 file requested during block search is not available
- 15320 Channel %1 block %2 invalid block search command
- 15330 Channel %1 block %2 invalid block number as search target
- 15340 Channel %1 block %2 invalid label as search target
- 15350 Channel %1 block %2 search target not found
- 15360 Channel %1 illegal target of block search (syntax error)
- 15370 Channel %1 target of block search not found
- 15380 Channel %1 block %2 illegal incremental programming in axis %3
- 15390 Channel %1 block %2 %3 not executed during block search
- 15395 Channel %1 master-slave not executable during block search
- 15400 Channel %1 block %2 selected initial init file does not exist
- 15410 Channel %1 block %2 initialization file contains invalid M function
- 15420 Channel %1 block %2 instruction in current mode not allowed
- 15450 Channel %1 block %2 compiled program cannot be stored
- 15460 Channel %1 block %2 syntax error with modal function
- 15500 Channel %1 block %2 illegal angle of shear
- 15700 Channel %1 block %2 illegal cycle alarm number %3
- 15800 Channel %1 block %2 wrong starting conditions for CONTPRON/CONTDCON
- 15810 Channel %1 block %2 wrong array dimension for CONTPRON/CONTDCON
- 15900 Channel %1 block %2 touch probe not allowed
- 15910 Channel %1 block %2 touch probe not allowed
- 15950 Channel %1 block %2 no traverse motion programmed
- 15960 Channel %1 block %2 no traverse motion programmed
commande numérique par ordinateur
- Conseils de nommage des variables système Sinumerik 840D
- SINUMERIK 840D Programmation de l'utilisation de la boucle WHILE
- Cycle de filetage Siemens Sinumerik 840D CYCLE97
- SINUMERIK Operate – Guide utilisateur
- Programmation CNC Sinumerik 840D
- Présentation du panneau de commande Sinumerik 840D
- Manuels Siemens Sinumerik 808D
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- Qu'est-ce que la commande Siemens Sinumerik RET